We represent and coordinate the Russia diaspora. We pay special attention to those who have recently left Russia due to the considerable deterioration of the political and economic situation. The Free Russia Foundation is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nongovernmental U.S.-based organization, led by Russians abroad that seeks to be a voice for those who can’t speak […]

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Poland: Forging the Polish Nation Nonviolently, 1860s-1900s

Uncertain construction of the Polish nation and the role of nonviolent resistance Poland’s staggered partitions among its three powerful neighbors: Russia, Prussia and the Habsburg empire ended the existence of the Polish state in 1795. It would take more than 123 years for Poland to re‐emerge in 1918 as an independent nation‐state on the map […]

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The trifecta of civil resistance: unity, planning, discipline

What makes nonviolent civil resistance movements effective? If we accept the axiom that in politics “power is never given, it is always taken”, the conclusion necessarily is that historic nonviolent movements were successful because, somehow, they wielded power that was greater than that of their opponents. This conclusion conflicts with, and opens up a direct […]

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Ukraine: a nonviolent victory

On February 25, Reuters News declared that “a 26-year-old who learned combat skills in the army cadets may be recorded as the man who made up Viktor Yanukovich’s mind to cut and run.” The young man had taken the microphone at a rally in Kyiv, denounced Ukrainian politicians for shaking hands “with this killer,” when […]

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